Thursday, June 26, 2008

Washable Diapers???

I'm just curious if any of you out there have ever tried, or known anybody who's tried, cloth washable diapers. I know... ya'll think I'm crazy. But, really it would save SOOOO much money. I figured that if we went to cloth diapers, we could save $2,400 over the next two years. Cha-ching! Steve and I have tried to do as much Green (not the color) things as possible...minus the Suburban and his truck. We're not perfect. There are a lot of different kinds of cloth diapers out there to choose from, so I would like some opinions. Please let me know.


Unknown said...

I think it is a wonderful idea. you should totally do it. I would try it with becca. She needs to learn to go on the potty anyways!!!

Beam Family said...

Actually, I did cloth diapers with Madison and I really liked it. We had a cleaning service that would pick up the dirty duds and bring me clean ones, which, in the long run, didn't save us much money but if you cleam them yourself it is great. I have heard fuzzi bunz are good but I would check out the bum genius becuase they have one size diapers....GOOD LUCK!!

way&leigh said...

I will give you the email address to one of my friends here. She is on her first child, but is an expert at cloth diapers. Actually we have many friends who use them. I guess we are in that neck of the woods were people are land-fill aware!