Sunday, February 8, 2009

Meet the Newest...and hopefully last member of our family!

This is Ebony. She's our new puppy.

Why do we have a new puppy, you might ask....?

Well, I guess God just felt like our house wasn't full enough. A friend of ours found her dumped at a Kum and Go last Sunday when it was freezing outside. She couldn't just leave her there, so she took her home. She already had five small dogs herself, and couldn't keep this one. So, she thought of us. At first, I said no! But, as fate would have it, they had her out in the front yard when I was driving by and once I saw her I knew she was going home with us.

She is an absolute doll. We think she's about six weeks old (shame on whoever dumped her!), and pretty sure she is close to a full black lab. Harley was a little uptight the first few hours after we brought her home. Now Harley loves to play with her, and is always wanting to know what she's doing. I'm just ready to be past potty training! She is doing much better than she was three days ago, so I'm happy. Only one accident today!


way&leigh said...

I read the title and though maybe you were pregnant! congrats! You are a stronger woman than I!

See you guys SOON! I can't wait!

Chris & Ashley said...

She is so cute! I can't wait to come see her! Though I doubt this will be the last member of your family.

way&leigh said...

You could make a fortune in Seattle taking photos of pets! Everyone here has a dog or cat instead of children. Just a thought!