Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cold January Days

The boys had a ton of fun today riding the laundry basket down the driveway. We had just even sleet to cover the ice, where you can walk and not bust your rear. It's just too dang cold!

At least somebody enjoys this!

Addy is much to good for the cold. No, she just has a runny nose and I won't let her go outside. She had fun anyway inside, in the warm house, reading a good Curious George book. Who wouldn't, right?

The girl LOVES to read! Just like her Momma.

I even got a picture of the three of them together, which NEVER happens. I can't get Addy to sit anywhere long enough.

Well, I hope everyone is staying warm, and has their power still on. We are very thankful for our fireplace!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the pic of all three of the kids. Its a keeper. I would like to ride down the driveway in the basketbuggy too.