Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Good Ol' Rooster Days

Come rain or shine... we must go to the Rooster Day parade! It's become a tradition for us. It used to be us, and Jani, and our friends from the hood that would all trek up to Main St. This was our first year with just Steve and I and the kids. Which really made me realize that life is changing, and change can be good. Of course, some things could be better, but we are very fortunate for what we have. This had to be the coolest (temperature wise) Parade Day that I can recall, which I am so grateful for. The rain wasn't so nice for my camera though.

Addy couldn't wait for the parade to start. She kept running out in the street to see if it was coming!

Everybody is happy when they see the Blue Bell truck coming. Ice cream!
And, our new favorite thing this year was the petting zoo. I think it's a great addition to the Rooster Day festivities. It's just a rip off to feed the animals! I love Camo's face!

Addy loved the little baby goats. They were so cute..except for this one that had a 5inch snot string hanging from it's nostril. Eewww.....Well, until next year....

1 comment:

way&leigh said...

Oh Rooster Day. I do miss the parade. Those are some cute pictures. I think I walked up to see the parade with you guys several years ago. I think is was before Addy!