Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Holy Jawbreakers!

Waymond and Leigh... this is for you! Your Ginormous jawbreakers created quite a scene with the boys.

This is a Mother's nightmare! Probably the dentist's nightmare too! Please make him stop....

This pucker's for you Way!

This is the effect of a Ginormous jawbreaker overload. Everybody stand back!

It's pretty scary!

A face only a Mother can love.

And on a random note, since my kids are quite colorful today, here's a funny pic of Addy at the park. Look at that hair!

1 comment:

way&leigh said...

It's the joy of the aunt & uncle to get their nephews and nieces things like giant jawbreakers! I figured they'd last a least a few weeks. I should have sent ziplock baggies with them!

Sorry to Addy, I didn't think she was quite old enough for those jawbreakers, but she might enjoy the other candy in the box!

Those are great pictures. I needed a laugh while at work!